Musicians On Call Recognized as #6 Best Nonprofit To Work For By The Nonprofit Times
A Letter From our President and CEO:
Musicians On Call is gearing up to celebrate a huge milestone — our 20th anniversary of delivering the healing power of music! To kick it off, we’ve received some exciting news…
The Nonprofit Times published its Best Nonprofits To Work For List. Amongst the over 1.5 million charities across the country, Musicians On Call was recognized nationally as the #6 best nonprofit to work for, and the #3 best small nonprofit to work for! This is HUGE!
There are two factors that we think makes Musicians On Call one of the best nonprofits to work for – the first is the hard work, dedication, and passion our staff gives day in and day out to deliver the healing power of music. Our team of 17 work with all of you to reach thousands of hospital patients each month.
The second factor is all of you. Each volunteer shift, donation, event attended, or merch item purchased has helped us make a big impact with a small team. For that, we would like to thank all of you. Most importantly, we can’t do it without the support of our 600+ Volunteers across the United States, allowing us to fill hospital rooms everywhere with a dose of joy.
Thank you for helping make Musicians On Call what it has become today! Stay tuned for some exciting announcements about our 20th anniversary events, auctions, and more!
All my best,
Pete Griffin
President and CEO of Musicians On Cal
The Nonprofit Times national study looks at nonprofits across the United States, surveying staff members of each nonprofit. Surveyors look for the following responses from those participating:
♪ Feeling valued in the organization
♪ Feeling as if they have made progress at work
♪ Confidence in the leadership of this organization
♪ Enjoying the type of work assigned to them
♪ Trust in the organization
♪ Liking the people they work with at the organization
♪ Quality is a top priority with the organization
♪ Satisfaction with this organization’s benefits package
♪ An understanding of the long-term strategy of this organization
♪ Supervisors that help staff develop to their fullest potential