Meet Brittany Perlin, our featured volunteer from Miami!
Get to know our volunteers!
Name: Brittany Perlin
Branch: Miami
Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? Holtz Children’s Hospital
How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? 4.5 wonderful years, I believe!
Are you a Volunteer Guide or Volunteer Musician? Guide
What is your occupation outside of MOC? Music Publicist
Do you have any hidden talents? Not sure if it’s a “talent,” but I recently finished my certification to become an Integrative Health Coach. I am very passionate about health and wellness and I love learning more every day!
What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I have worked in the music and entertainment industry since graduating from college in 2007. After working for a late night TV show in the music department for five years and later becoming a publicist, I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to play a role in the success of an artist’s music. Music has the ability to transcend all boundaries, heal, uplift and bring people together who would never otherwise be able to relate to one another. I volunteer with Musicians On Call because it allows me the opportunity to combine my love of music and my love for helping improve the lives of those in need. I began my volunteer work in Nashville and when I moved to South Florida last year, I was so fortunate to be able to continue my work as a volunteer. It’s one thing I did not want to leave behind, and thankfully I didn’t have to!
What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences? Each and every experience volunteering with Musicians On Call is literally life changing. I have the opportunity to bring the healing power of music to the bed sides of those who need it the most… those who are battling to live another day. I see firsthand how just one song can bring happiness, light and love to a person’s day. Even on days they may be wondering if they will even wake up again to see tomorrow, these patients have a smile on their face because they get to hear music.
Has your life changed because of your experience with MOC? My life has changed through MOC because it has shown me that the most important things are the simple things in life. I could be having what I would refer to as a “bad day,” and then I walk into that hospital only to have a complete perspective check, realizing that I’ve never really even had a “bad day.” Imagine a child who is fighting cancer and one of the most thrilling moments of their week is you coming to play one song for them. There is so much power in that. It’s the reason I offer to volunteer and fill in any chance I get…even on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. People say we change the patient’s lives, but the truth is that they change our lives even more. It teaches me to count my blessings because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
What is your favorite #MOCmoment? I have so many favorite #MOCmoments, but there are two that stick out especially. One of these moments took place at Bordeaux Long Term Care Hospital in Nashville. After the musician performed the song, the patient told us that before we entered the room, he didn’t know if he could go on living another day, but that the music gave him the strength to keep fighting. He told us it was the highlight of his month. Another favorite #MOCmoment happened at Holtz Children’s Hospital last year. There was a child who was crying from treatment and the moment we walked in the room and the musician began to sing, the tears dried up and a smile lit up on their face. The truth is, every #MOCmoment is my favorite moment <3