Meet Dianna Perez, Our Featured Volunteer from Glendora, CA!

Get to know our volunteers!

What Virtual Program do you volunteer with? I volunteer for City of Hope primarily, but I’ve volunteered in others as well

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I’ve been volunteering for about 7 years

Are you a volunteer guide or musician? For my first two years, I volunteered as both Guide & Musician. I continued as a Guide for the rest.

What is your occupation outside of MOC? Marriage and Family Student/Trainee (1 more year till graduation!)

Do you have any hidden talents? There are still many individuals who know me and surprised to find out I can sing, so singing I guess kind of!

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I learned about MOC about 7 years ago while volunteering at a local hospital I had already been volunteering at for many years prior. Ever since I started volunteering with MOC, I’ve experienced unique MOC moments that there are too many to count! Music is a universal language that can connect others in the most unexpected ways. Being able to make someone’s day through music is a unique experience. I’ve been lucky enough to witness this many times during the MOC bedside program. The healing power of music is very strong and brings people together. Thanks to my MOC experiences, I now combine my love of music and passion for helping others as a beginning therapist now! I can’t wait to see how MOC continues to grow and greatly impact the lives of patients and musicians in the next upcoming years.