Meet Kimma Phillips, Our Featured Volunteer from Murfreesboro!
Get to know our volunteers!
Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? I volunteer at the Murfreesboro VA
How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I have been volunteering for four years
Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Musician
What is your favorite song to play for patients? Boys From The South
Have you ever been part of an impromptu jam session with patients or family in a hospital room? Yes, I’ve had a few patients pick up their guitars and play and sing along with me.
Do you perform anywhere else besides with MOC? Yes, I perform at many venues around middle TN.
What is your occupation outside of MOC? I’m a musician full time!
Do you have any hidden talents? I can drive a golf ball around 250 yards. It’s fun to shock the other golfers!
What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? For years I’ve volunteered for Upward Sports by sharing music and the gospel. When I visited a very close loved one in the hospital, he asked me to sing one of the inspirational songs I performed at an Upward halftime devotional. I didn’t expect how powerful the experience would be for all of us in the hospital room that day. A few months later I saw an ad for MOC musicians and I knew I had to learn how to play guitar and join this organization.
What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences? MOC is different because I feel a connection with each patient in the hospital. I am a 5 year breast cancer survivor, we are all survivors or over-comers!
Has your life changed because of your experience with Musicians On Call? Yes, it feels more rewarding to give.
What is your favorite #MOCmoment? I have so many awesome moments to choose from! One night I sang “Keep on the Sunnyside” for a patient. He said that was the perfect song and pointed to a picture of sunflowers he painted and calls “Sunnyside.”