Meet Kristine Wriding, Our Featured Volunteer from Denver!

Get to know our volunteers!

Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? I volunteer at Colorado Children’s Hospital

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? A Little Over a Year

Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Musician

What is your favorite song to play for patients? There are numerous songs that have become my favorites to sing for the kids at Children’s Hospital, but my top favorite song would have to be Old McDonald. I love this song because almost everyone knows this song and everyone can participate in singing it! I love to have the kids choose what animal we are going to sing about next and the creativity is endless! From dragons to pink and purple elephants to your typical farm animals, it gets everyone laughing, singing and sharing in a good time!

Do you perform anywhere else besides MOC? I am a Country Music Artist aspiring to make it to the Big Leagues, so I do play many gigs in Colorado and Nashville and will be touring the Midwest this summer as well as performing at The Country Stampede in Manhattan, KS!

What is your occupation outside of MOC? I am an Independent; Self-Managed Country Music Artist and Songwriter

Do you have any hidden talents? I can juggle!

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? Music has always been a passion of mine. Since I was young, I have always enjoyed sharing my music with others through singing in church, school concerts, choir and musicals. When I graduated High School, I knew I wanted to pursue music as a career, so I taught myself to play guitar and started building my brand and music career through playing gigs and building my Social Media. Being originally from Minnesota, I moved to Nashville and learned the art of songwriting and made many connections. After releasing my first Album I began touring to promote my music and have never looked back. For me, there is something pure and magical about sharing music with others. I love to write and sing songs that have depth and meaning. I love to share the joy, happiness and feeling of music with others! Music connects with people in so many ways and if I can be the person that can shine a light and share that light with others, that is what I want to do! That is why I love to volunteer with MOC, to be able to bring a little joy, laughter and comfort to those who might need it most.

What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences?MOC is different than other volunteer experiences because it can be so spontaneous and interactive! Singing at the Children’s Hospital you don’t know if the kids will be shy or out-going and if they will want to sing along or just listen. From my experience, even if they are shy, once you start singing, they break out of that shell and sing right along! Kids always have something to say, to share or to tell you that is so innocent, practical and sweet. Their outlook on life is amazing and hope radiates through them. Just being around them makes you start looking at life in a whole new light.

Has your life changed because of your experience with MOC? Yes, my life has changed since being a part of MOC! MOC has helped to strengthen my commitment of sharing my music with others. There are times when I wonder if my music makes a difference in people’s lives because that is my goal and passion; to inspire and make a difference through my music. Then I sing at MOC and I see how music and songs touch people’s lives and it reaffirms to me that I am indeed making a difference and that brings me so much joy!

What is your favorite #MOCmoment? I have had so many great MOC moments this past year, it’s hard to pick a favorite! I think my favorite moments are when I can bring a smile to a child’s face by singing their favorite song; or hearing them giggle and laugh when I ask them what animal we should sing about next and they say something silly like, “monkeys eating bananas” and I fit it into the song! Just being able to brighten their day for a moment and give them something to tell and share with their parents are some of my favorite moments.

Do you want to help us deliver the healing power of music? Apply to volunteer as a guide or a musician today!