Meet Raffaella Braun

Get to know our Featured Volunteer from Nashville!

What Virtual Program do you volunteer with? I volunteer for Pediatrics

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I’ve been volunteering for 6 years

Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Guide

What is your occupation outside of MOC?  I’m a National Director of Radio Promotion

Do you have any hidden talents? Cooking! I may not be good at it (my husband says I am!) but I love to try to cook any and all kinds of food!

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I was lucky enough to start bedside in Phoenix, after learning about MOC in Nashville. I’ve worked in the Music Business for 20+ years now and I have seen the healing power of music in many different settings. I’ve rarely had more joy than guiding a musician in the hospital setting and seeing the happiness come over a patient’s face. I’ve been there as a distraction for port cleanings and sang an infant back to sleep. I’ve been there for trauma and been with patients in very serious settings – and the way music brings cheer, distracts from pain, and inspires wellness is beyond anything else I could witness. I love MOC so much and recruited friends for various national programs. I now guide online programs bi-weekly and it brings me the same happiness as the in-person program brings. I’m thankful for everyone who works at MOC, raises money for them and volunteers with this MAGICAL program.

MOC in the Big Apple 🌆

Join us as we continue to commemorate our 25th anniversary with our Anthems of Healing celebration to NYC! The night will highlight treasured songs and stories in MOC’s history and honor some of our great champions.

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