Meet Stan Garrison, Our Featured Volunteer from Chicago!

Get to know our volunteers!

Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? 16 Months

Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Guide

What is your occupation outside of MOC? Currently, I am retired after 40 years in the Lift truck Industry.

Do you have any hidden talents? I can sneeze like Donald Duck

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? Music has always been a big part of my life so it was an easy choice to join MOC. Volunteering with MOC reminds me that life is short and things can change in a blink of an eye. It allows me the opportunity to help patients & family members cope with what brought them to the hospital even if it’s only for a short three minute song. I believe music can bring a smile or a little relief even when facing a difficult recovery.

What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences? It’s the music. I work with some very talented musicians and when you see patients react to their songs it’s a wonderful feeling.

Has your life changes because of your experience with Musicians On Call? Yes, its shown me there are people my age, older or younger that have had their lives turned upside down with whatever brought them to the hospital. Meeting with patients; if they accept your offer to bring in a musician it’s one of the best feelings when you see how they react.

What is your favorite #MOCmoment? Wow, there are so many, I guess one that really stands out is when a patient asked for an Eric Clapton song. David played “Wonderful Tonight” a beautiful song but when I looked over she was crying. When he was done I told her our hope was to bring a smile & not tears and asked if we could play another song? She explained that the song was played at her wedding & she was fine. I left her room not really knowing if this had been a happy or sad song from her memory, but I knew it had an impact.

Do you want to help us deliver the healing power of music? Apply to volunteer as a guide or a musician today!


MOC in the Big Apple 🌆

Join us as we continue to commemorate our 25th anniversary with our Anthems of Healing celebration to NYC! The night will highlight treasured songs and stories in MOC’s history and honor some of our great champions.

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