Meet Michael Rosenfeld, our featured volunteer from Los Angeles!

Get to know our volunteers!

Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? I volunteer at UCLA Children’s Mattel Hospital

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? Two years

Are you a Volunteer Guide or Volunteer Musician? Musician

What is Your Favorite Song to Sing for Patients? Take It Easy by The Eagles

What is your occupation outside of MOC? Talent Agent

Do You Have Any Hidden Talents? I am a very good baseball coach

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I have a high-pressure job that requires a lot of focus and energy. I love music and I am always streaming songs in the office while I work. I have a guitar that sits in the corner of my office and at the end of each day, I like to pick up the guitar and sing some songs to release some stress. One of my colleagues at the time (Shannon Silber – another MOC volunteer) walked in my office and recommended I become a MOC volunteer. It has been a beautiful experience.

What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences? You receive an immediate reaction doing your volunteer work. It is a spiritual experience and helps put life in perespective.

Has your life changed because of your experience with MOC? Yes – I am grateful everyday I go to work and when I come home, after volunteering, in a happy, healthy state.

What is your favorite #MOCmoment? I once played for a patient who was not interested in hearing a song. He was sitting quietly in the corner and would barely look up to acknowledge me and the guide. We were about to walk away when he asked if I knew any Elvis. I hit the first chord of “Jailhouse Rock” and he jumped out of his chair. He danced, shook his hips, spun around, snapped his fingers and had a smile on his face that lit up the whole floor. I have had many special visits with patients that have changed my daily life experience. I am grateful they let us into their rooms and hopefully together we can do something special. They touch my heart.

Do you want to help us deliver the healing power of music? Apply to volunteer as a guide or a musician today!