Meet Kendra and Krista of Tigirlily, Our Featured Volunteers from Nashville!

Get to know our volunteers!

What Virtual Program do you volunteer with? I volunteer for the Behavioral Health Virtual Program

How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? We’ve been volunteering for two-plus years.

Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Musician

What is your favorite song to play for patients? Somebody Does (An original) and Roar (Katy Perry)

Which demographic do you love playing for and why? Kids – Teens – Their spirit is unmatched, and you can feel the true joy they have in their hearts.

Do you have any livestreams or other performances coming up? Everything is listed at!

What is your occupation outside of MOC? Full time musicians (Tigirlily)

Do you have any hidden talents? Krista is extremely athletic & if I wasn’t doing music, I’d love to be a hair/makeup artist!

What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? Music is a universal healer, and at the end of the day, all that matters with music is that you’re making a difference and bringing people closer together. MOC gives us that opportunity.