Lou Tedesco’s Soulful Support of the Healing Power of Music
Lou Tedesco has carried a love of music with him from growing up in a musical family to performing in New York’s All-State Jazz Band in high school and marching, pep, concert and jazz bands at the University of Maryland. A trumpet player himself since third grade, Lou has felt the powerful connection music creates for everyone. “Music is fundamentally a universal language. People feel it in their bones, in their hearts,” says Lou, “When you can provide an intangible tangible that’s so innate to a human being that’s going through a trying physical and mental experience, music implicitly draws out something that reminds people of their intrinsic humanity.”
For more than 10 years, Lou has been helping Musicians On Call deliver the healing power of music in healthcare facilities. He started as a Volunteer Musician performing in hospitals across New York City and was deeply touched by his interactions with the patients.
“I’d play little jazz excerpts and at the end of one, a patient paused and gleefully shouted, ‘Oh man, you’ve got some soul!’ I just thought that was great. Another time, I played Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World’ and the patient I played for was a little bit hard of hearing. So I took the mute out and she was so happy to hear some music; albeit perhaps it was a bit loud for her family,” Lou recalls, “It’s a very humbling experience. Once you do it once, [you realize] it’s a very powerful thing.”
From his time visiting patients in hospitals, Lou knew he wanted to do all he could to support MOC’s mission. With the help of his network of family, friends, and colleagues, Lou hosts an annual fundraiser at the end of the year to help MOC expand our programs and reach more patients, families and caregivers. He finds that it is not hard to build support each year because the cause is one everyone can relate to.
“People have had loved ones in hospitals, people know how difficult that can be over time. The fundraiser works for itself because it’s such a good cause. The organization itself is very powerful and it’s something that I can relate to having grown up in music. I recognize my own blessings, and this is just one small way that I can give back to people in need,” says Lou.
Musicians On Call thanks Lou for his incredible support of our mission as a volunteer, donor and member of MOC’s President’s Council. Click here to learn more about how you can give to the healing power of music.