Meet Stan Garrison
Every quarter, Musicians On Call highlights a volunteer who is helping us bring music to patients, families and caregivers across the U.S.
Stan has been volunteering with us for the last five years, serving as a Volunteer Guide through MOC Bedside and our Virtual programs!
This year, Stan hit the ground running by hosting five Pediatric Virtual Programs between January and February! Most recently, he served as our Guide in our first Chicago-based Bedside program in three years as we returned to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Thank you, Stan, for your commitment to delivering the healing power of music!
We asked Stan a few questions so you could get to know him more. Check out his answers below!
Get to know Stan, our Featured Volunteer Guide from Chicago, IL!
What Virtual Program do you volunteer with? I volunteer for the Pediatric Program
How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I’ve been volunteering since October 2018!
What is your occupation outside of MOC? I’m retired from the lift truck industry.
Do you have any hidden talents? I can sneeze like Donald Duck. I know, sad, right? This is the only thing I think of when asked about any hidden talents!
[Editors note: That’s not sad at all! It’s definitely a cool party trick, for sure.]
What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I’ve always had a deep love of music & how it makes you feel when you let yourself get swallowed up in a song. So, when I learned about MOC it was like a light came on. I could help deliver the healing power of music to people that really need it the most at this juncture in their life. Just a simple song to help ease their mind for a few minutes.